Saturday, December 13, 2008

Host Deep Zoom project on Silverlight Streaming

It is possible to host a Deep Zoom project with all it's images on
It doesn't seem possible at first because the interface asks you to upload only the xap file. So ... where do we put the images ? You just need to do some "magic" as explained here

Here is a sample project hosted there.

Unexpected browser crash with Silverlight 2

I'm developing a Silverlight application that uses the MultiScaleImage control and also some text overlays that i'm scaling according to the Deep Zoom scale. Very often the browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome) crashes.

It seems there is an issue mixing ScaleTransform and MultiScaleImage control as also posted on the Silverlight Forums

The Application that has this problem is this one when you enable the checkbox useScaleTransform, but with a different Deep Zoom output. with the one shown here does not seem to reproduce the problem :(

Here is the entry on the event viewer:

Faulting application IEXPLORE.EXE, version 7.0.6000.16764, time stamp 0x48f6a2ed, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp 0x4549bdf8, exception code 0xc0000029, fault offset 0x000675fc, process id 0xf18, application start time 0x01c95d5ad4de2d60.