While developing a multicast simulator for my master thesis I had to sum up the bandwidth distribution of the channels.
So, I did a little routine that while it was parsing the bandwidths it would sum up their probabilities.
After all was summed up … the math did not work out as it was supposed and the overall probability did not sum to 1.
Debugging the app I found that .net was doing a very strange sum of doubles:
Immediate windows:
? TotalProbs
? prob
? TotalProbs+prob
Strange enough ?
Am I missing something ?
Is it too late to be doing math ?
Code Block:
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
{ static void Main(string[] args)
string[] tokens = {"0,2", "0,25","0,25","0,2","0,1"};
double TotalProbs = 0; //Count the overall bandwidth probabilities
double prob = 0;
NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();
nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ","; //Force the double separator wherever you are.
for (int i = 0; i <>
prob = double.Parse(tokens[i], nfi);
TotalProbs += prob;
if (TotalProbs !=1)
throw new Exception("This should not happen!!!");